Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Descriptive text 1


Title: Reading text
Level: junior high school High School Grade XII
Objectives: By the end of the lesson you should be able to identify descriptive text and write your own descriptive text using your own words and topic

Well students welcome to the descriptive text practice.  As we know that reading is one of the skills that you have to mastered.  you might assumed that reading is the most boring one, but don't you worry everyone, because there are still ways to make our reading feels so funny. one of the ways is “come to this website, here you can find various topics of descriptive text. we also provides some exercise relating to the text given. After reading some passages, you will do some exercises More, you will write your own descriptive text using your own words and topic.

Descriptive text
Descriptive text is a text that usually used in writing to describe an object, it can be place, person, animal, and many more. Desriptive text is an english text that used to describe an object or living thing. We describe the object or living thing based on appearance, texture, voice, smell, etc. 

The communicative purpose of description text
The communicative purposes of descriptive text is describing and expressing ,telling the characteristics of an object, place, or certain living things generally without any research exhaustively and thoroughly.

The characteristics of descriptive text based on langual appearance:

  1. Descriptive text uses present tense. for example go, eat, fly,etc.
  2. Descriptive text uses any kinds of adjectives  which describing, numbering., and classifying.for example: two strong legs, sharp white fangs,etc.
  3. Descriptive text uses relating verbs to give information aboout the subject.  e.g. my mom is reallty cool, she has vey thick fur, etc.
  4. Descriptive text uses thinking verbs,( such as believe, think, etc.) and feeling (such as feel) to express personal opinion of the writer about the object, for example: police believe the suspect is armed, i think it is a clever animal, etc.
  5. Descriptive text also uses adverbs(kata keterangan) to give the readers information about the attitude or characteristics of object that is describing. for example: it is extremely high, it runs definitely past, etc.



Sphynx Cats

My Sphynx cat is the only pet I have. He has a little hair but is not totally hairless as he has a peach fuzz over much of his body. His coat is often a warm chamois. My Sphynx has a normal cat proportion.

I like his tail although my mom say that it is like a rats tail. I love his usual color varieties including, tortoiseshell, chocolate, black, blue, lilac, chocolate etc. He is really an amazing cat. Believe it or not, he is very intelligent cat. He can respond my voice commands.

He is really funny as well as my friends get a joke. I love him so much as I love my mother.



  1. Strenght:
    I think the passage and the exercise are suitable with the Junior High School graders. It is because the exersise can answer the important information of the passage, so the students can more understand the content of the story.

    This blog, there are no the explanation of descriptive text, and more information of it. So, it idoes not build the students' background knowledge of the students first.

    It should be better if you give more basic information of your topic first before you give the learners example of the text and the exercise. And, use more attractive media :D

  2. Strengths:
    - The reading text is apropriate for Junior High students.
    - The quiz is good and useful for students.

    There's no explanation about descriptive text, like the general structure, language feature, etc.
    - Lack of media. There's just one picture in this blog.

    Please give details information about descriptive text and give more pictures or video maybe. And also please make your background and template more interactive. :)

  3. strength :
    - it's great that you've mentioned the objectives of the lesson at the beginning
    - the classroom languages which are used are simple that the students can understand the lesson well

    weakness :
    - the template isn't interactive enough for students of Junior High School
    - the explanation is too long. It's better if you explain it point by point or you may add some pictures there to avoid the students from getting bored

    suggestion :
    - Since it's reading activity, it's better for you to give some terminologies related to the text that you'll give to the students. It will be much helpful to help them comprehend the text easily.

    Overall, it's a nice blog :)

  4. strengths:
    - nice template
    - nice topic and material
    - nice pictures

    - some grammar mistakes and punctuation in the explanation
    - the text is too easy for XII grade of senior high school
    - there should be more exercises included

    - it will be better if you check the grammar errors and punctuation before posting your material since it will be read by your students
    - it will be better if you choose longer text with a more advanced vocabulary since this is for XII grade of senior high school
    - it will be better if you add more exercise to let your students have more practice

  5. Strength
    1. It has clear objective and purpose.
    2. The pistures are interesting.

    Weakness and Suggestion
    1. The arrangement of the explanation is rather not good enough. It will be better if you state the sentences in the form of lines rather than paragraph.
    2. The exercise is too easy. May be you can add a/two question(s) that the answer is implicitly stated in the text.
    3. There are not common diction (langual appearance), and punctuation errors. It's better to use linguistic features instead of langual appearance. For the punctuation, you need to recheck your post.
    4. There is only 1 exercise. It's better to add more exercise to measure the students comprehension.
    Well, it's a nice post. keep blogging and working! :)
